Mission Statement and Values

Mission Statement

“Empowering Health, Enriching Lives: Our mission at Tudor Practice Stockland Green is to provide comprehensive and compassionate primary healthcare services tailored to the diverse needs of our community. We are dedicated to fostering a patient-centered environment where trust, respect, and collaboration thrive, promoting wellness and enhancing the quality of life for all individuals we serve.”


Respecting all

  • Showing courtesy
  • Seeking to understand
  • Treating all fairly
  • Value each person as a unique individual
  • Being especially supportive to the vulnerable

Working as a team

  • Relating well within the team
  • Valuing the contribution of each team member
  • Building a mutually supportive environment
  • Co-operating with other teams
  • Encouraging responsible involvement by our patients

Learning and improving

  • Adapting to change
  • Building on achievements
  • Developing our services


  • Speaking and acting truthfully
  • Being accountable for our actions